
Our village hall was built in 1984, this was funded by the village for the village. The old hall it replaced was, old, clue is in the name. The history is quite something but we are about the now and the future! The committee members do their very best to make this hall act as a glue for the tiny community of Carrington Village and surrounding area.

The Committee

Carrington Village Hall is managed by a group of volunteers who are elected at the annual AGM to act as guardians for the hall and it’s sustainability. Our constitution states that at all times there has to be four members of our community in post.


The objectives of the CVHA shall be to secure the establishment, maintenance, and
management of a Village Hall for the benefit of the residents in the said area, without discrimination on political, religious or other grounds, by providing facilities for advancement of citizenship or community development. The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended